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Boa care(what you'll need)

  • Enclosure 

  • Heat regulation system

  • size appropriate hide

  • water dish

  • Substraight

  • food supply (always frozen)


Happy Boa recommendations 

  • we recommend deep cleaning your enclosures out 1x a month ( remove snake, all décor/hides etc. Vacuum out the substraight. Spray a non toxic cleaning solution (such as Jurassic Clean), wipe out and let air. Put in fresh bedding, all the décor/ dishes /hides etc and now you have a nice clean spot for your scaly friend

  • frequent gentle handling of your boa will help make the snake more manageable when it comes to feeding/ cage cleaning/ checking for overall wellbeing.

we recommend the following online stores for supplies 



( we are not in any way affiliated with these companies nor are we sponsored by any- these are just the places we personally  have found the best prices and quality)


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